Tag Archives: Tisha B’Av

When It’s “Not Kosher” to Eat Kosher: The Halachos of the Fast Days

Fall 2023

With the impending arrival of Tzom Gedalya and Yom Kippur, now is a good time for a halachic review of the six ta’aneisim that are incorporated into the Jewish calendar.[1] In addition to the aforementioned, we fast on Asara B’Teves, Ta’anis Esther, Shiva Asar B’Tamuz and Tisha B’Av. The halachos apply to males from the age of thirteen and females from the age of twelve.[2]

Timing Is Everything: When the Fasts Begin and End

Yom Kippur[3] and Tisha B’Av[4] begin at sunset. If one wants to eat after the seudas hamafsekes, one should state before the end of the seudah that he wants to do so. Having this in mind before Birchas Hamazon is also enough.

The other fasts begin at alos hashachar (dawn).[5] On those days, if one wants to arise[6] before dawn and eat, he should go to […]